Saturday, September 20

Free Press

A quick round up of the far-flung:
ChriscalledChester is living in Minneapolis (sharing the city with NyCK) and recently let me know of his livejournal-writing tendencies. The fruits of his labors can be read by searching in usernames for chromeeyes. At present he has a scant 3 posts but, as Chris is want to do, the postings will probably come in manic rushes.
NyCK, also of Minneapolis, called me today while I was at work. He's not real "tech" but he is reachable by Friendster message.
ThElizabeth is finally set up in P_Land. Set up under a leaky ceiling with an upstairs neighbor who floods the bathroom. Set up in a place where the ceiling caves in under the weight of the flooded upstairs residence. Set up under a foot of collapsed building. She does have a new phone number that you'll need to get from her. Poor ThElizabeth.
MCR is in SanD but has been sadly absent from my outgoing calls list. I believe she is working and teaching in SanD and is probably enjoying her canyon view of a power generator and some scrubby southwest bushes. That and the California recall. MCR's got a picture phone but has not yet set up a textamerica account. I will encourage her to do this, as I did friendster, and she will not.
Gundlach is Chicago-employed and studied in the finer things to be found on the menu. He is reachable by friendster as well.
Sarah is temporarily in Chicago city proper. She confessed to me that she loves friendster and is in search of some geographic warmth.
noraaaron is in Michigan and even sent me some fine pictures of her efficiency complete with white melamine cabinetry and eggshell wallpaint. She is not on friendster because she's trying to prove something to me.
Ben writes his blog from Chicago and received his free press yesterday.
Karl is in Indy. He is back from Uzbekistan with no visible genetic mutations. His band is not yet assembled but I trust in Karl's skills. He is on firendster, in many forms.

That's everyone who's not in Madison, except some people that I've left out to spite them.

Let's close this circle.

Friday, September 19

Skipping Friday night, for what?

Death and Justice.

Measure for measure

Ben's most recent post to his insanely smart and smartly insane blog made me wax nostalgic for the most pleasurable of all fire-dependent vices: smoking. In the service of all who have quit I offer the quitmeter.

My arms are never too short to box with God.

Johnny Cash's words from his final interview with Sylvie Simmons of The Guardian UK. Also from The Guardian, this time The Guardian Weekly, Thom Yorke's op ed piece from the supplemental insert TRADE: "Debt burdens are a beautifully tight noose, and now, even better, they have the WTO to do the dirty work form them." Despite the tone of the quote it is a fairly sensible take on the WTO without being blindly anti-global. Plus, the attribution reads, "Thom Yorke is the lead singer of Radiohead".

Mob is picture-fat, stop by and protest your internet exposure.


Yes, it is pirate-talk day.
For now, that is all I've got so I'll say it again.

Thursday, September 18

Not so Built to Spill

I was thinking BtS but as it turns out the show is at 8pm and I decided at six thirty that I got no chance of getting down to the Metro by 8pm. I did accompllsih some thing this fien day off from work: moblog.

Now you can see me in shocking color by directing your browser to the following internet address:

For the time being I'm only posting via my Canon Digital Elph but I suspect a camera phone in the future. Stop by and look, leave comments, and get your own.

One week later.

The plan for escape continues to be written and rewritten.
I'm thinking of getting a camera phone.
I discussed a possible move to Chicago with Sarah H of Chicago.
My uncle is now in Madison, having moved here (I think entirely by car) from California.
I have been considering a "cold quitting" from the recently near-to-violent-encounter world of furniture salesmanship.
I bought some new fish.
I haven't contacted any of the expats.
Too bad, so sad.
It's a beautiful day outside and I think that means this is all you get.
Oh, and Johnny Cash is dead.
As is John Ritter and many thousands of other people who didn't record music or work in television.

See you outside.