The week that ended on Tuesday
I finished the work week on Tuesday and that feels like something I might like to keep doing. But Tuesday wasn't the first break with scheduled social interaction that I've made this week. After saying goodbye to virtually every person I know in Madison the chain of friendlies is starting to look a bit short. We've got Jeff, Peter, and Angie. Elizabeth's departure for points first north and then west has been like a fast amputation--lots of strong drinks and biting of the lip--and not really like that becasue I got to say "goodbye" to my leg four or five times. But without Elizabeth there is a whole group of people that have suddenly disappered from my regular call really it's a matter of adjusting for inflation. Elizabeth leaving, while just one person, carries an adjusted value of six or seven people leaving. Next up is my oldie MC. What to do without the MC in Madison? What to do...
Aside from my social subtraction, the world is blowing up without my intervention. Here's a neat experiment to try: I think tomorrow I will set my alarm ahead so that I'm not waking up at prime-Middle-East-strife-time. Should there happen to be some disasterous bombing or tragic mine-shaft collapse at or around 7:30am CST I will assume no responsibility for the earlier hour of the attack, my alarm clock and I are officially out of this. Ont he other hand, should Ralph Nader happen to be hit in the face with a pie at this earlier hour I will certainly take responsibility for this. Begin prayer circle for Nader/pie collision NOW.
Things also worth including in your mealtime prayer, other than world peace and a more transparent government: Karl's safe return...actually Karl returned home from Uzbekistan via London yesterday and will no doubt be in Madison soon to regale us (that'd be me and Los) with stories of his stay in nightmarish Uzbekistan, no rain on Saturday, and lastly, a Brewers win tonight.
Speaking of hopeful intersections, I have successfully assembled my new bed and packed up the old bed for storage until I make up my mind to either burn or recycle the squeaky beast. Mine's in read and NO I did not pay retail for it. The new bed is low to the ground and required some additional hardware for a more perfect assembly but it provides a nice sleep nevertheless.
Brief PowerPoint freak-out update. It seems my strange obsession with PP has infiltrated another mind, courtesy of Wired magazine. It looks like any chance I had of cracking the publishing market wide open with my PowerPoint fictions may have been struck down well before its time. So sad.
Speaking of sad: Brewers game begins in T-minus 4h12m...I'd better shower and make all the proper "go-team-go" clothing choices.
Go team go. It's Miller Time.